To Know I AM is to know the meaning of existence…
I Am the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I AM, and no other. This is truth. This is life. This is the purpose and essence of existence. To know this is to know all that you need to know. To not know it means that you really know nothing at all. To know I AM is everything. It is my design and your only hope. Take this in. Don’t brush by it or say, “Yeah, I got that.” No, you don’t! If you did, truly did, your heart would be very different, your life would look very different. I Am the Lord! My Scriptures are life and truth! Meditate on this. Spend a lot of time on it. Ponder what it means, ponder its implications. This is the very meaning of life and existence. Stop, Be Still, and Know. This is the Lord.
Amen Father. Amen King of Kings. Amen Lord of Lords. Amen.