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Pleasing Others

All of God’s people experience Him differently.  I often experience the Holy Spirit in a conversation, and recently He led me to start posting some of our conversations.  I speak in italics, and our Lord in bold print. click here to read about how this series came to be.

You need to let go. You are stressed and pulled and pushed to the brink by your deep desire to please those around you. In doing so, you overwhelm yourself and make it more difficult if not impossible to fully obey me, the only one that really matters. Let it go. You don’t have to please them. Love them, yes. Please them, no. Seek first my Kingdom and my righteousness…and only my Kingdom and my righteousness. In doing so, they will be pleased with you when it is holy to be so and displeased when I would want them to be. I have made it all very simple (if not easy): Love and obey me, “and all these things will be added to you as well.” In other words, you don’t have to worry about it because then it is on me. If they are displeased, that’s my burden not yours. If they are pleased, it is my will and you rob no glory from me for it. This is the Lord.

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