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Why are there 7 days in a week?

All of God’s people experience Him differently.  I often experience the Holy Spirit in a conversation, and recently He led me to start posting some of our conversations.  I speak in italics, and our Lord in bold print. click here to read about how this series came to be.

Why do you think there are 7 days in a week?

Why not? I really don’t know.

There are 7 days because I decreed it. I like the number, so I decreed it. All things exist, all things are, for this very reason: I decreed it. So why do you resist me? Why does anyone? Existence itself is the result of my will. How can you oppose this? Relax my son. You are mine. And I hold all of existence as easily and lightly as you carry a book. I have written the entire story, and you are in it. So relax, and trust me. Work hard, but relax. Be faithful, but relax. Obey, but relax, and trust me. This is the Lord.

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